I’ve gotta be a very fortunate almost 94 year old. This delightful couple were my neighbor’s, wintertime, when I lived on Bird Bay Way In Bird Bay Village, Venice Florida until I sold my condo and moved to Salem Ohio April 20, 2006.

And since that time I have continued to receive cheerful cards from them often. Even now that I am back living in Sarasota Florida when they are here for the winter they come to visit and when they are at their beautiful home in Tomahawk Wisconsin I often get a cheerful card from them.

Have a look see at this one I just received

Here was my memory flashback. I had Holstein milk cows ( got my start with 20 breeding age heifers from Wisconsin) on my dairy farm back when I was very young and full of energy. Although that is a Guernsey Milk cow it is in a pasture field beside a field of corn.

One summer my cows pastured beside a corn field just like that. The only thing between the cows and my corn field was a single wire hooked to electricity. I’m back in the pasture bringing  the cows in for the evening milking and I notice one of them has had her calf born through the day but there was no sign of that little new born calf.

So……what to do?????  Well, I spent two days walking through that tall corn trying to find that new born. Little hoof marks were every where but no calf. Sooooo……. after the second day of walking that corn field and I’m bringing the cows in for evening milking I got a bright idea.

Like how does that cow get the little calf to come out of the corn field to eat? Well maybe she Moos. So, why not Flo!! I’m walking behind the cows I start Mooing, and then the cows started mooing also and what do you know, that little calf came running out of the corn field the hot wire above its head and went along with the cows to the barn.

That little trick worked. You have to get a new born calf away from it’s mother right away so she goes in your milk line and the new calf is fed on a bucket that has a nipple at the bottom.

From 22 starting heifers from Wisconsin, a gift from my father, my husband and I built our herd to around seventy cows and it was always ‘Who is gonna help Mom milk?” sometimes the hired man, or one of my daughters but always me!!!

Until I received that card from my dear friends from Tomahawk Wisconsin I had forgotten that I had walked along behind the cows in that pasture field going Moo, Moo, Moo. Wasn’t I LUCKY THAT I THOUGHT OF THAT????

And…a very special thank you Tom and Debbie Winters for that ADORABLE MEMORY FLASH CARD!!!!!!!



  1. Jan (Jacobs) Dunn
    Posted January 7, 2017 at 12:47 pm | Permalink

    Happy 2017 New Year to you. I check your blog every once in a while. Seems to always be a new thought that brings back Memories to we old York Center ladies. We are back in Leesburg for the winter, but thinking of putting this house up for sale. I do think the winters would be gloomy up there, but it is home and nearer family. Best of health to you and just keep blogging. Tell Pam and Tracy we said Hi. Love and HUgs, Jan

  2. Sharon Kay( Patrick )Lee-Scheeler
    Posted January 9, 2017 at 11:55 am | Permalink

    This is one of my memory’s of you and farm not mooing but cows and milking.

    • Posted January 9, 2017 at 4:30 pm | Permalink

      Sharon I am so happy to see your comment. Thank you for affirming to me that you are my neice. I stayed several weeks with your parents while they moved from Mt Victory to the big beautiful home in Marion. And your brother Dewey was born the our first night in that house. What a big day that was. Both of your parents were always very nice to me.
      I am so happy to know you read my blogs and that you copy them to take to Jean. She really appreciates your kindness to her.
      When I was 13 and 14 years old I made dresses for several of my nieces, they were Jean, Betty Eastman Rae, Betty Rockhold Zell, Mary Rockhold Howard and Bonnie Rockhold Myers. They are all about the same age.
      Love to you
      Aunt Florence

      • Sharon Scheeler
        Posted January 9, 2017 at 9:26 pm | Permalink

        Yes I remember the story about Dewey’s birth.
        So much I didn’t know about grandparents and aunts and uncles. Thank you so much for all your memory’s Love Sharon

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