As a teenager, without knowing why, I meandered through the big crusher building of my father’s stone quarry, past the big engines and on to the far side where my dad and some of the workers were standing around watching as Sam Manley was turning a crank tightening up a large log chain.

I was still a few feet from them, when I yelled, “Get back, that chain is going to break!” They all stepped back a little, Sam stopped turning the crank, the chain broke with a cracking sound and snapped back toward the men!

No one ever asked me how I knew or even let on they had heard my warning. The only important thing was no one got hit by the chain.

Through out my life I have known things that were going to happen, but never knew how I knew! This was extremely disturbing to me!


In the 1950’s and 1960’s, while on my farm, I began looking for information. No magazine articles helped! So I tried the library, checking information on the brain. There I learned the brain develops a form of electricity. Good! For there seemed to usually be some form of electricity involved each time getting the information to my brain.

Also, I found out that Duke University in North Carolina had a department that studied this very thing. I believe it was called “Para-psychology”.

They measured the electric power put out by peoples’ brains. Their conclusion was, “The more electricity generated the more psychic a person was.”

Also at that time Webster dictionary described psychic as “A person sensitive to super natural forces.”

As I was having a conversation with a young man, he said, “If you turned out all the lights in a room, had only a candle lighted, and looked in a mirror, what would you see?”

I said, “I would see who I was, before I was who I am now!” Actually, I had never heard of that before, so I believe I had just read his mind.

Then he asked me, “If you put a glass of water under your bed before going to sleep, what will you dream?”

He got me on that one! I had no idea! All I was able to pick up was how pleased he was I didn’t know the answer.

Being the curious creature that I have always been, I went home, took a lighted candle into my bathroom, closed the door, and looked in the mirror. There in the mirror appeared one face after another, looked to be past centuries, some men, some women. Is that weird or what? I was not convinced I had ever been those people but I couldn’t disprove his theory.

As for the glass of water under my bed, I was too afraid of what I might dream to try that! Maybe you are brave enough????

In 1963, I had just walked into my farm house. My daughter was watching TV. A news flash just interrupted her program. The Dallas police were bringing Oswald out through the garage, newsmen with their cameras were walking backwards ahead of them. They were moving him to another facility.

As soon as I saw what they were doing, I started yelling, “Don’t bring him out, someone there is going to shoot him, don’t bring him………” A shot rang out and Oswald slumped! Just that quickly, Ruby had killed Oswald right there on live TV.

Dallas was approximately 1500 miles from my farm in Ohio. I don’t know whose mind I had read, if it were Ruby’s or if Oswald saw Ruby and knew he was there to kill him. Or if it were the Dallas police and Ruby, maybe a conspiracy.

What I do know is the message came through loud and clear, so that would certainly have taken a lot of brain power put into the static electricity of the air or whatever method it travels, the message gets to me instantaneously.

Another thing I believe, I can’t be the only person this has happened to. Many people have stronger ability than I do! It is a natural thing! I believe all living things, insects, plants, fish, animals and humans each have a built in desire to live and some given ability to survive.

That without this natural ability the cave man would never have lived on to become us. The ideas in this story are mine alone! Right or wrong! Does anyone know?

whatisthematter02That is my husband standing in the door of the combine and my daughter Pamela in the convertible.


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