Meredythe and Joey Wedding, my daughter and son-in-law, celebrated by having EASTER dinner at my grandson Darren and Diana’s home in Dillon Montana located between two beautiful mountain ranges of the Rocky Mountains. And I’m so fortunate, she sent me these adorable pictures that I’m showing to you for your enjoyment.

My granddaughter Patricia Wedding, with my great granddaughter Diana holding her son and my great, great grandson Isaiah Wedding. On the table is an EASTER card from me and the green backs I sent to him in his little hand.

Maegan and Jeffrey Wedding

Diana and Darren Wedding along with my great grand daughter Terra and her boy friend

My grandson Dean Wedding and My great granddaughter Terra holding little Isaiah Wedding who is my great great grandson

My great great grandson Jayden Wedding holding the EASTER card from me in one hand and the $10 bill I sent him in the other hand .

This is the next best thing to being there to enjoy this lovely day with them. I AM VERY FORTUNATE!!!!!!!!!!!

FRF  ❤️

He knocked on my door before opening it, then leaned his head in and said, we are going out to have  EASTER dinner. That was my son-in-law Tracy Drake. Well…OK then… so I won’t be making my special ham with brown sugar and mustard paste coating with pineapple slices secured on top with tooth picks.

Then my daughter Pamela said, “You want to go to The Charter House (on Longboat Key) or Marina Jacks (on Marina Bay backing up to Sarasota Intracoastal waterway)?”  I replied, “Marina Jacks.”

However each of those restaurants were booked full. So…’s reservations at Sharkies on Venice beach. At their upstairs dinning room.

At my age, 94, I’m not always up to going out. And come EASTER morning it’s one of those days.

Pam and Tracy take off in warm sunny Florida, riding with the top down in Pam’s convertible. That is as close to Heaven as you can get and still be here on earth.

But I got some EASTER. My daughter Meredythe Wedding still in Dillon Montana, sent me this beautiful EASTER card.

Also Tracy gave me a pot of flowers.

After finally getting out of bed I had a cup of  coffee, egg and raisin bread (from Publix bakery) toast slathered in butter followed with an Ensure chocolate protein shake and went back to bed to read a good book I found in Tracy’s bookcases. He has a multitude of great books that I haven’t yet read.

I heard the garage door open and I knew they came home, then there was a flurry of someone in and out if my room. When I ask Pam said, ” it’s the EASTER bunny “.  My book was so interesting DIGITAL  FORTRESS  by Dan Brown who wrote THE Da  VINCI  CODE, that I didn’t see what she had put in my room until later. Oh my goodness look what the EASTER bunny left for me.

When I went with that basket out to the kitchen looking to thank the EASTER bunny, Pam, I found this delicious looking cake.

A slice of that cake with sliced strawberry on top then covered with whip cream (from a can) made a  scrumptious ending to my EASTER DAY.  YUM!!!!!! YUM!!!!

FRF  ❤️

Turning 50 is a big deal in anyone’s life and for many of us that calls for a party. My daughter Meredythe Wedding purchased a plane ticket to fly from Montana to Ohio for that special day in my granddaughter’s life.

Meredythe along with Jodi’s children Levi and Holli hold a party for Jodi right there in the Gables Nursing Home in Marysville Ohio.

Above Levi, Jodi, Holli ready for their guests.

On the far side of the table seated are Holli, and Levi on either side of their father Dean Carpenter

Above Levi, Jodi and Meredythe

Levi, Holli, their mother Jodi and their grandmother Meredythe


I would love to have been there !!!!!!!!!

FRF ❤️

Have you ever looked at a picture that with only a glance has told you a story?  I have a few photos that I believe do just that. I’ll leave it to you to decide if these pictures do that for you.

Smelling the tulips.   My daughter Meredythe’s grandson and great grandson Levi carpenter

Please take your hand off my truck.  My granddaughter Sarah drake

Absorbed in a story. My grand daughters Tasha Effaw and Jodi wedding

Who dat?  Grand daughter Evin Drake and Uncle Terrell Smith

Trading place! Florence(me) and husband Ralph Shoup

The milk’s good Mon!!  Sarah Drake.

Stop tickling me!!  My daughter Susie’s grandchildren and my great grandchildren Thomas and Kimberly Hires

Ho hum!  My granddaughter Evin Drake now Dr Evin Bender

I wonder! Oh I wonder!! My granddaughter Sarah Drake.        I SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST

OK!! Now what do you think??  Hope you enjoyed!!


NO, NOT ME! But, ISN’T IT AMAZING? Because here it is! This coming April 30th my sister Fannie Elizabeth Hoffman will celebrate her 99TH birthday. You all can join me to help her celebrate this important day by selecting a birthday greeting card, signing it, addressing it and dropping in your mailbox. This is her address:

Fannie Hoffman
11137 Hubert-Hazen Road
Richwood Ohio 43344

It is also amazing, she still lives in her lovely farm home where she and her husband Paul Hoffman raised their five children.

Snapshot of baby Fannie taken by our Mother

Portrait painted by Flo Fisher (me)

Back row: John  Mable  Carl. Geneva. Burl. Edith
Middle row: Bee. Levi our father, Mary Etta our mother holding baby Howard, Edna
Sitting: Fannie, Florence, Ernest, Hazel (Bobbie)

A young 8th grader Fannie on a big farm work horse

Pretty Fannie age 16 all dressed up

At family reunion Bobbie.  Howard.   Florence.    Fannie

At family reunion: Fannie proudly holding her precious great granbaby

All her beautiful family gathering at Rick and Nancy’s home
Back row: Patricia Hall,  Fannie and Paul Hoffman,   Rick and Nancy Hoffman
First row Don and Debra Williams,  Pete and Sheryl Hoffman,   Mike and Sue Hoffman
Notice how happy every one is!!!!!!!

Thank you all for joining me in this very special 99TH  birthday celebration of one of Levi and Mary Etta Longberry Rockhold’s thirteen children and my sister who along with me were York Center High School CHEER LEADERS!!!!!!! YEH!! RAH!! RAH!!  You should have seen us twirl in lockstep with each other!!!!!

Our school superintendent and boys basketball coach Mr Pounds said at a High School meeting after the season was over “We didn’t have the best boys basketball team in the county but we had the best CHEER LEADERS.”

We can give my sister Fannie a rousing YEH! RAH! RAH! for her 99TH BIRTHDAY if we all send her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARD.


FRF ❤️