From before I was five years old I lived with brothers and sisters in the house beside my Father’s fourth and largest stone quarry, while my parents along with baby brother Bugs lived on a farm seven miles away.

At this tender age I learned fast that I had to lookout for myself. My sisters Fanny, Bobbie and Edna were all busy doing their own thing. So it took my older sister Mable to look after me along with my brother Ernie who was just two years older than me.

My first year of school, while my parents and little brother Bugs (Howard) were spending the winter in California, to keep me warm walking to school in the snow Mabel would put a big sweater of hers on me, roll up the sleeves to my little wrists, lap the front of the sweater  over to fit up close around me then she took a big, long knit scarf and wrapped that around my head, neck and shoulders and all around my little body to keep me warm.

Miss Beatrice Drake, my first grade teacher would wrap me all up again to walk home the end of the school day. She was also my second grade teacher and a real sweetheart. I really adored her.

A little side line story:  In miss Drake’s second grade class she ask us all to write our numbers 1 to 100 and see who finishes first. I’m looking all around the class for someone to whisper to but I see much to my dismay that every one but me are writing as fast as they could.  Well……..I guess maybe I should start writing my numbers also. OK….so here goes. And what do you know I finished first. I was as surprised by that as everyone else.

Now back to the drawing board:

I didn’t have a winter coat until second grade when my sister Geneva, who was married, cut down an old dark blue coat of some adult and made a coat for me.

Of course I wore long underwear with long stockings pulled up overtop and brown hightop shoes. And as I trudged along through the snow up to the corner store and turning on toward school I did keep warm thanks to my substitute mother, my sister Mabel.

The above picture is of Mabel while she still lived at home.

By the time she met and later married Mitchell Eastman I had grown up enough to take care of myself although I was still only a child. All through the years we remained best of friends.

Mabel and me at Rockhold reunion

Her last few years she was in a nursing home in Maysville and each time t flew up from Florida where I lived I would go visit her there at the nursing home. I found if I would send her cards often she then got a lot of good attention from the girls who worked there. In fact one of the girls a few times purchased a greeting card and wrote me a note from Mabel on the card. They pinned my cards up so she could continue to see them.

I mailed her many greeting cards often and would fill a large Christmas sock with gifts and send her for Christmas. I included box of my home made fudge that she loved. My brother Bugs would take it home from Florida just before Christmas and he personally took it down to the nursing home and gave her. It was the least I could do for her for her kind heartedly being my substitute Mother and taking care of me when I was very little.

Through the years we always remained the best of friends until she died at age 98. This story is my tribute to MY WONDERFUL SUBSTITUTE MOTHER.

The above picture appeared in the Marysville Tribune news paper Marysville Ohio.


Start with a Duncan Hines spice cake mix. In large bowl place three eggs, one third cup oil, one fourth cup water and mix.

Add two cups home made applesauce left a little chunky.

Add the spice cake mix, one half cup brown sugar, one fourth teaspoon baking soda, one teaspoon cinnamon, one half teaspoon nutmeg and one fourth teaspoon cloves.

If cake batter is too thick add 2 or 3 tablespoons water or enough to give it a good consistency. Place in 9 x 13 greased baking pan. Bake at 3:50 until just barely done. Over baking takes away flavor.

When cake has cooled make the icing.

In small sauce pan melt I stick of butter and add one cup brown sugar.

Boil 2 minutes on low heat stirring constantly with wood spoon that has a flat end.

Remove from burner, add one fourth cup milk and bring to a full rolling boil.

Remove from heat and allow to cool to 120 degrees.

Add vanilla and stir in 2 cups confectioners sugar. Beat by hand until ready to spread on cake right in the pan you baked it in.

Now enjoy the fruits of you labor with a hot cup of fresh made Starbucks coffee (find it on your grocers shelf!) YUM!!!! YUM!!!!!


I would like to share these pictures with you so let’s have a look see.

My granddaughter Sarah Drake traveling in Europe.

My last real estate card before I retired in 1998 when I was 75 years old.
My most recent photo here in Sarasota Florida taken a couple months ago. November 2nd I’ll be 94 years old.

At Sharkeys restaurant on the Gulf of Mexico Venice Florida at lunch with Pam and Tracy.



My mother-in-law Dale Shoup made the best sugar cookies I have ever tasted by far. So……I decided to use that cookie recipe for raisin filled cookies.

This is her recipe handed down through her family.

I add a tablespoon of butter to make the cup of crisco shortening. I add a tablespoon of vinegar then finish filling the cup with regular milk as a substitute for sour milk.

Beat sugar and shortening until creamy add egg and beat again. Mix all dry ingredients together and add alternately with milk starting and ending with flour.

Place bowl of dough covered in fridge for 2 hours to chill. Makes it easier to handle when rolling out.

I make the raisin filling and allow to cool.

Roll out the dough, use round cookie cutter and with a spatula place cookie on a baking sheet about an inch apart. Spoon raisin filling in the center of each cookie then top with another cookie pressing down around the edges. Sprinkle top with cinnamon and sugar. I make my own sugar with cinnamon mix and keep it in a large shaker.

I make the filling by first boiling two cups raisins with one cup water until tender, to make a white sauce mix together one half cup sugar, one
tablespoon cornstarch,a little cinnamon then add one half cup cold water plus one tablespoon lemon juice, add this mixture to the raisins and boil until it thickens. I don’t put it in my fridge but allow it to cool on my counter. It may still be warm when you add it to the center of the cookie.

These cookies are delicious eaten while still warm. I like to give them to neighbors very soon after baking them.

My children have good memories of eating my baked cookies, cupcakes and pies etc  while still warm from the oven.

Much thanks to my mother-in-law Dale  Shoup for her family sugar cookie recipe. I never learned how many generations that recipe came down through, it would be interesting to know.

Share with family and neighbors. They also freeze quite well.


They have a condo winter home in Bird Bay Village which has over a thousand condo homes of many description. Two three story buildings, bay houses, villas, houses, several two story condos.
Winding roads run through this beautiful area with many trees, bushes, and flower beds. And there are several swimming pools and lakes here and there.

Debbie and Tom where my neighbor’s and lovely friends for several years before I moved to Ohio to be close to my daughter Pam and her husband Tracy Drake. After nine years in Ohio I am now back in Florida and my friends come too visit this 93 year old, much to my delight.

This is from their condo on the third floor of the same building I lived in.

Throughout the year, when they are residing in Venice Florida or their beautiful lakeside home in Tomahawk Wisconsin I continue to receive cheerful cards and emails from them.

Here are the pictures I just received from my friends.

And this is their beautiful Tomahawk Wisconsin home.

And looking out to the lake

Here you see my wonderful friends as they live the beautiful life. Even though she is legally blind, her signature is on the cards they send me.

This is my latest one

And inside

Have you ever seen a card made of wood? Well…….have a look see at this one they sent me.

And the reverse side

You can understand why I treasure these dear friends. I AM VERY FORTUNATE!!!!!!!

FRF ❤️