I usually buy the half SUGARDALE HAM. Slice off any of the hide remaining.

I start by mixing brown sugar, ground cloves with mustard to make a thick paste and cover the ham with a nice coating.

Then drain 2 cans of sliced pineapple and using tooth picks, secure them to the ham over the brown sugar coating.

Pour the pineapple juice In the bottom of the roaster, cover, place in the oven and bake three hours at 300 degrees. Continue reading

This is the easiest of all. Buy Duncan Hines devilsfood cake and Duncan Hines milk chocolate icing. Make according to the directions on the box with these changes:

Add one half cup firmly packed light brown sugar, 2 tablespoons imitation vanilla and blend in one melted Hershey chocolate bar or two rounded tablespoons Hershey chocolate ice cream topping. Bake in a greased, dusted with dry cocoa nine by thirteen baking pan.


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