“I don’t want to look at this house!” That was my buyer’s remark sitting in the back seat of my car, his wife in the front seat beside me. He had stoically just been through the four houses I had already shown to them. In my secret mind, I had given him the name “Mr Grumpy”.

I replied, “That’s alright, but since I have already called the owner and set an appointment with her and she is waiting in there for us, I have to go to the door and tell her you don’t want to see her house.”

As I open my door and start to get out of the car he grumbles, ” Oh….all….right!”
He promptly gets himself out of my car and we three proceed to the house for a ‘look see’.

OK, MR Grumpy……..lets see what you think of this house!!!!! Oh! My! Is this the same man who only minutes ago didn’t want to even SEE this house?

As we greet the owner and make our way through this most charming home ‘Mr Grumpy’ has turned into one of the most pleasant men I’ve seen in a while! And as we make our way going room to room they are each giving me great vibes of liking this house quite well.

We bid the owner a happy thank you and a most pleasant goodbye and on our journey back to my office they are each telling me how they love that house. Entering the office I go right for contract forms and we write an offer, it’s accepted and we are heading to a closing.

After the closing we became good friends and they often would mention how happy they were we found this charming home.

I changed his name from “MR GRUMPY” to “MR HAPPY”. I learned to never under estimate a buyer or predict what they will do!

LIFE IS FULL OF SURPRISES………………………………………..


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