This is the day I am 95 years old. How did I get so old so fast? However it is actually quite nice because I’m having a second birthday party at the BONEFISH GRILL where our best friends and neighbors in Deer Creek are joining us.

First things first, we each ordered our favorite cocktail, mine was champagne, for a group toast to my birthday and a delightful evening.

My son-in-law Tracy Drake, always the gracious host, got up from our table in the restaurant and took this photo. The second lady on the left side just turned 100 years old this past September 18th. Isn’t she beautiful? She even has a beautiful name, Lee LaPage. Along with her are Pat Boyer and Lee’s daughter Darlene LaPage.

After a while when I spotted our waitress just leaving from another table where she took their order, I hailed her down and ask would she take a picture of us at our table. With a big smile she took my IPad and this is the photo she snapped.

Our lovely neighbors handed me a bagged gift to open and , you have to see this absolutely unique and charming security light they had found. I love it!

And lighted

An adorable little boy at a table next to us let out a high pitched squeal that was attention getting and we all turned to see he was a toddler. How Precious! The way we live in Florida not that many babies and little ones cross our path so for me this is a real treat. The older I get, the more I love seeing babies and small children.

The BONEFISH GRILL serves delicious coconut shrimp so guess what I had? It is listed as an appetizer but I told the waitress I wanted it as my entre with a house salad. It was YUM YUM tasty.

After we finished our meal, knowing how I had been looking forward, Tracy said “Did that make your tummy happy?”. My reply “It is smiling!”

When we all returned to our home in Deer Creek there on the table was a large bag full of gifts from Pam and Tracy. I pulled one wrapped gift after another from that bag. You must have a look-see at all the beautiful gifts.

We didn’t have desert at the restaurant, instead back at home we each had this.

A box of chocolate covered strawberries that came by UPS one day delivery, from my lovely friend in Ohio, Lisa Ellison. And here is the card she sent me…..

This card from her pretty blond daughter Joscelin, although totally blind from childhood diabetes is capable of doing ever so many things and is a dear friend of mine.


Other cards

There are many more cards I haven’t shown you.

And………you know what I decided? Turning 95 years old is rewarding!



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